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Son House : Death Letter Blues

=--=Publié dans la Catégorie "Blues"=--=

Tout commence par-là.

Son House : Death Letter Blues

I got a letter this morning, how do you reckon it read ?
"Oh, hurry, hurry, the gal you love is dead"
I got a letter this morning, how do you reckon it read ?
"Oh, hurry, hurry, the gal you love is dead"

I grabbed my suitcase, I took off down the road
I got there, she was laying on the cooling board
I grabbed my suitcase, I took on down the road
I got there, she was laying on the cooling board

Well, I walked up close, I looked down in her face
Good old gal, you got to lay here till Judgment Day
I walked up close, and I looked down in her face
Yes, been a good old gal, got to lay here till Judgment Day


23:05 Publié dans Blues | Lien permanent | Commentaires (1) | |  del.icio.us | | Digg! Digg |  Facebook


Manque plus que Skip James et Blind Willie Johnson pour avoir ce qui s'est à peu près fait de mieux avant guerre.

Écrit par : Casca | 04/09/2010

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