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Mark Tschanz : "Storm"

=--=Publié dans la Catégorie "Music..."=--=

All the angels are gathering the clouds,
and the nurses can feel the the demons in their shrouds
And the world seems to stop.
For the man with the big drum, who bangs away...
to make you run from bridge to bridge
then to the sun.

There's a storm in heaven.
And it feels like hell.
Just a storm, but all is well.

There's a storm in heaven.
And it feels like hell.
Just a storm, but all is well...

All the gods have lent their voices to the thunder.
And the devils are holding down the suns forever.
And the world seems to stop for the voices in the garden

Like your horses, they have come,
fallen angels to the fences..just to be warm.
There's a storm in heaven.
And it feels like hell.
Just a storm, but all is well.

There's a storm in heaven.
And it feels like hell.
Just a storm, but all is well...

Mark Tschanz

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