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Gov't Mule : In the Presence of the Lord

=--=Publié dans la Catégorie "Music..."=--=

Le fabuleux groupe Gov't Mule reprend la magnifique chanson signée par Eric Clapton que le guitariste avait créé avec le groupe Blind Faith en 1969. Magnifique. Hallelujah !

I have finally found a place to live
Just like I never did before.
And I know I don't have much to give,
But I can open any door.

Everybody knows the secret,
Everybody knows the score.
I have finally found a way to live
In the presence of the Lord.

I have finally found a way to live
In the color of the Lord
I know that I don't have much to give,
But I can open any door.

Everybody knows the secret,
Everybody knows the score.
Yes I've found... yes i've found me a place to live
In the presence of the Lord.
In the presence of the Lord.

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