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Zakk Wylde, a lot of people don’t know you have a strong Catholic faith

=--=Publié dans la Catégorie "Music..."=--=


A lot of people don’t know you have a strong Catholic faith. How did it help you get through the blood clot situation and health scare ?

Zakk Wylde : Yeah, I’m never afraid of that stuff. If that’s what He has planned for me, that’s what He has planned for me. I never asked for anything ; I always thank. I’m just thankful for the time and the moment that I have here. You never ask ; you always thank. So, I never question, “Why me?” I think, “Why not?” [Laughs] I go, “Okay, is this the next test ? Let’s go!” As a soldier of Christ, you never walk alone. There’s never reason to be afraid.




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