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Saxon : The Eagle has landed

=--=Publié dans la Catégorie "Music..."=--=

Take a giant step for mankind
On a distant lunar sea
As you travel across the universe
Will you take a step,
take a step for me
Will you take a step for me
Voyage of an eagle
Blasting to the stars
You take the hopes and dreams of men
To find yourself, to find tranquillity
To find tranquillity
Traveled across the universe
And placed the lonely flag
Out there in isolation
At the final, the final frontier
At the final frontier
The world's in celebration
As we wait for your return
You took a giant leap for mankind
On another, on another world
On another world
Take it easy take it slow
Don't go fast don't let go
The eagle has landed
The eagle has landed
The eagle has landed
The eagle has landed

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