=--=Publié dans la Catégorie "Musique : Rêve Vénitien..."=--=
Des news d'Eric "James" Guillemain... celui-là même qui fut le chanteur et initiateur de VENICE. Il vit à présent à New York, où il exerce une carrière prolifique de photographe. Interview pour The Fucked Up Crew... C'est en anglais... alors démerdez-vous. Thanx.
N'hésitez pas à cliquer sur les photos...
Eric is a french good looking guy who moved to NYC, who shoots pretty and disinhibited young girls, usually when he shoots a model she becomes a top.
His passions are photography and philosophy...
What else ? Nothing more !
Now take a look, think about, there's no doubt...
Eric Guillemain on his way to the TOP !
Fucked Up Crew : What a fuck are you doing right now ?
Eric Guillemain : Right now, getting rid of all the serious, listening to Ted Nugent's Double Live Gonzo and reading some gothic novels.
FUC : When did you understand that being a “photographer” was going to be your job ?
E.G : I mean that's the only job I'd ever done which was ok to pay the rent.
FUC : What’s the last magazine you bought ?
E.G : Don't buy them, browse them at my agent's. The last I read was Purple.
FUC : What kind of music do you usually listen during your shootings ?
E.G : Mostly 70's stuff and progressive music. These guys were so connected to elements. Forgetful and aware...Otherwise any music that gets me ecstatic. When I get bored I go straight to punk, Cheap Trick or AC/DC.
FUC : What kind of music do you usually listen when you have sex ?
E.G : Are you kidding me ? Sex is music already !
FUC : What’s the most fucked-up experience you had during one of your shootings ?
E.G : There was this actress. She took the whole team as an hostage. Put her make-up on, did her own hair, picked wrong pieces from the wardrobe...It was fun though !
FUC : Did your like change with Social Networks ?
E.G : I still feel like a steppenwolf ever since social networking.
FUC : Do you use social networks also to promote your work, or just to hook up young models ?
E.G : I am just shy at both. Sorry.
FUC : How many hands you need to count the amount of models you slept with ?
E.G : I sleep only with women.
FUC : What you say if they accuse you to be a Sleazy Photographer ?
E.G : Ah ah very funny. I would say I am not responsible for what they could have seen in the mirror I handed them.
FUC : Who’s your hero ?
E.G : Fiction : Corto Maltese - Non Fiction : Friedrich Nietzsche
FUC : If u had a model agency… wish are the 3 names you MUST represent ?
E.G : Hard to mix sentiments and money...So I would say : Dree Hemingway, Tati Cotliar and Lara Stone.
FUC : A new face you first shoot that then become a famous model ?
E.G : Agyness Deyn
FUC : Now choose between :
Vogue Italia vs Vogue Paris
E.G : It really depends on issues. I think they complete each other
FUC : Selfservice vs Purple mag.
E.G : Purple.
E.G : Numéro
FUC : Bruce Weber vs Terry Richardson
E.G : Terry Richardson
FUC : Solve Sunsbo vs. Camilla Akrans
E.G : Camilla Akrans
FUC : Levis Vs Diesel
E.G : Levis
FUC : Drugs Vs No Drugs
E.G : Anything worth the trip.
E.G : I actually heard about some people able to manage both at the same time.
FUC : Describe us the perfect ass...
E.G : The one that's not for sale. The one that's always inventive. The one which doesn't kill but rather make me stronger.
FUC : Which is your favorite quote ?
E.G : "Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave." By Rainer Maria Rilke
FUC : Do you believe in God ?
E.G : He believes in me so much better than I am.
FUC : Which movie would you recommend to our fucked-up readers ?
E.G : Dead Man
FUC : Which camera do you usually use ?
E.G : D3, 5D, S90.
FUC : Favorite Club ever ?
E.G : Gun Club
FUC : What’s the strangest place you woke up after a “fucked-up” night ?
E.G : In a barber shop
FUC : Which are your projects for the near future ?
E.G : Projecting doesn't do me good. Surprises are my best partners.
FUC : do you see yourself as many other photographers, turing into VIDEO projects ?
E.G : If I had a story worth to be told this way yes. But not until that moment for god's sake.
FUC : If you were not a photographer, what would you be ?
E.G : A writer. A troubadour.
FUC : 3 words to describe Friedrich Nietzsche ?
E.G : Generous. Saint. Alone.
FUC : How do you fight the GLOBAL WARMING ?
E.G : I feed my plants with gentle water, light and good music. I don't eat too much meat.
FUC : Would you do a shot for the FUCKED UP CREW ?
E.G : Fuck Yes !
FUC : Thanks a lot !!!
E.G : My fucking pleasure.
Eric is represented by : 2bmanagement.com
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De très belles photos.
Sinon vous avez le numéro de la jeune demoiselle (première photo en partant du haut). Non? Mais à quoi sert ce blog, je perds mon temps ici. Et en plus vous participez au processus de frustration de la jeunesse occidentale, espèce d'inconséquent.
ST. (ex-Rorschach).
Écrit par : Sweeney Todd | 17/10/2010
Beaucoup de grâce, rien de figé, c'est plein de vie, (mais pas le genre de vie qui s'exhibe dans un dynamisme putassier); de l'intériorité dans le don même de l'image. Et puis, comment dire ça...une certaine spiritualité, au sens où ce ne sont pas des poupée vides, mais des êtres qui rayonnent de leur aura bien à elles. Le contraire absolu du glauque; avec même des moments de pureté. J'aime infiniment sa façon de capter les regards. Un très beau moment.
(M'étonne pas qu'il aime Corto. Les regards comptent beaucoup chez Pratt aussi).
Écrit par : Restif | 20/10/2010
Je connaissais la critique assassine où l'on se fait expédier en quelques phrases. Mais son pendant élogieux m'était encore inconnu jusqu'à ses mots...Aussi bref qu'une série de snapshots pris dans l'élan du coeur. Quand en quelques secondes l'oeil fait miraculeusement preuve de discrimination et de concision séparant le grain de l'ivraie. Ici la plume intransigeante de Restif parvient à celèbrer en excluant de même tout penchant vers le putassier !
Merci beaucoup.
Écrit par : orpheus64 | 22/10/2010
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